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11/09/13 9:24 AM

#213163 RE: F6 #213155

F6, thanks, but I try to stay away from the staged political scene. Sometimes I slip, lol. America has been duped by the big banker families who control most of the world. In the US they got the one party system disguised as two parties, they control all big business, all levels of government, schools and universities and are even moving into churches now as well. They got the media and even Rush and Fox are theirs. Their purpose is to turn conservatives into moderates so they accept socialism(slavery) easier. To fit the US into the coming New World Financial Order they have to drive us down to the world average so the rest of the world won't hate us. In the process, maybe they'll make us worse than the world average. And they are doing that real quickly the last 6 years as they are stripping the middle class and enriching them selves(The Bourgeoisie).

The US has had a great ride, but even Plato stated 2400 years ago the cycle that Democracy leads to Socialism(same as dictatorship} that leads to anarchy. Democracy always gets stolen by the smart big money. Socialism on a large scale has NEVER worked anywhere for a period of time{Obama Care, what a total joke and false front). Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Infighting amongst the Bourgeoisie always destroys the socialist system.

We are in a downward spiral that nobody can stop. JFK tried and he got zapped. He was the last President that was not controlled by "The Boyz". Reagan was a joke in that he talked the opposite of what he was doing, expanding government, disguising it by shifting programs from the Fed to the states. In my video of the Senate I just posted, the fact is the Senate and House don't write the bills. "The Boyz" do and that is why they don't read them. They are ALL just pawns. Oh, an honest one slips in there and they trump up charges against them(Paul, Bachman, Trafficant, or knock them off(Sony Bono, Larry McDonald}, if they can't reign them in.

I don't look for internment camps and body bags. But the US is going down the tubes, slowly. The change over will take at a long time and people will live OK in the US, but not by the last century's standards. "The Boyz" have to do it by mind control so the the Sheeple somehow want it, like Hitler got his people to want him. So, don't panic, just expect less for you and you offspring in the future. Look hard at what happened in Greece, it was a trial balloon and will happen here. Cyprus was another trial balloon as they took a lot of citizens savings from bank accounts and it might happen here.

We really need a spiritual revolution, our morals by our leaders is a giant sewer system and "Trickle Down Immorality" is here, but it that will take time to reverse that trend and not in my lifetime.

Mark Twain, "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled".