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11/07/13 8:06 PM

#259741 RE: pro_se #259740

These people are simply bat chit crazy. No if's, and's, or but's.


11/08/13 12:56 AM

#259747 RE: pro_se #259740

Not heard of the "king" crap, but no matter how extreme and nutty, it really can't be any worse for the country morally and economically than the crazy sociopaths and psychopaths in charge of the DC asylum right now. Total destruction is the path they have us on, and there isn't much that could be done to make that worse.

This part:

Reporters uncovered video recently of Rafael Cruz calling for President Obama to be sent "back to Kenya". Pure, unfiltered insanity. In the last year, the senior Cruz has called marriage equality a "socialist plot," compared the president to Fidel Castro, and said progressives are trying to "destroy the concept of God".

Seems pretty spot on, and there would be millions of people who would agree. That must just chap liberals, eh?