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01/25/06 6:41 PM

#146 RE: Phil(Hot Rod Chevy) #145

I got anudder one!

(I'm including the taxt, Phil. Thanks for the hint.)


Posted by: grubmaster
In reply to: The Original dpb5! who wrote msg# 63329
Date:1/24/2006 7:35:13 PM

This is my last post on the subject, I hope.

Rick wants iHub to be an extension of the SEC, DOJ, NASD and every other regulatory and law enforcement agency. He wants us to determine when regulations and laws are being allegedly broken and to "act" upon that. Of course, that is not our job, not our duty, and not within the scope of our capabilities or resources, irrespective of how passionately he believes it should be. We are, if you will, judge, jury and executioner with regard to our Terms of Use, not the laws that fall under the purview of other appropriately charged and empowered entities.

I respect his desire to expose bona fide illicit activities. However; he so far out in left field that he's beyond foul territory and into the bleachers regarding what the role of message board operators are versus entities legally empowered to regulate and enforce securities laws. He can't accept that, went on repeated tantrums to take matters into his own hands, despite EXTENSIVE communications both publicly and privately from myself, Matt, and many other well meaning users.

We are under no obligation to provide an unlimited platform for users to attack iHub and/or its customers. Since he would not change his behavior, I decided there was no alternative but to help him relocate to some other forum where he can rant to his heart's content.