jvg256 my point is just that Genport brought 1000 times more value to Novofuel, and that AFPW shareholders own 1/15th (or less) of AFPW. AFPW value at creation/transfer to NOVO was $500k
Anyone can do simple math, 1/15th of $500,000..??
$30,000 / 32,000,000 = a vary small price per share
Now, just think, 1/15th of AFPW will own how much of NOVO..??
it'll be like 1/3000th.
That is our 32,000,000 shares will own 1/3000th of novofuel
tell me at what value novo needs to be, for our share(s) to have anything more than bragging rights.
Come on, show me some napkin math. show me.