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11/06/13 9:16 AM

#60362 RE: Mobile1230 #60361

There is no indication that the receiver has any interest in advancing CLYW. This is in apparent violation of the judge's order to maximize the value of the stock for the benefit of we investors. It is all slipping away.


11/06/13 10:35 AM

#60363 RE: Mobile1230 #60361

Why would they be interested in licensing right now ? They can use the technology for free right now. If and until Calypso wins the Tmob case nobody will license. The best chances for that were when Turrini was in charge, and we all know what his efforts got us (zero licensing deals). If this Tmob case gets remanded back to the lower court for trial and if Calypso wins, then you can talk about licensing. Until then, you can bet all of the tech companies are watching the Calypso case. If all the tech companies have to do is say we aren't infringing because we use signal strength (without proving it) and the judges buy that idea, Calypso loses. Someone needs to break down the signal strength argument to show how it really is Calypso's patent idea. While the patent allows for signal strength to be used as a parameter, the patent only requires that a signal is obtained or not obtained, hence either you're in the vicinity range or you're not. Each outcome results in a specific result. If Tmob wants to further refine when they do their switching that's fine, but they have already met the requirements of the patent without further refining it by a specific signal strength reading or some other parameter. What if they say we're using a specific id number to switch? That's o.k. Also, but it's not required. All that is required is either receiving a signal or not receiving a signal. So, you can't get around infringing if you switch. The flow chart in Calypso's patent shows this clearly. The flow chart doesn't say you need to be within a specific range of the access point, nor do you have to measure anything. All you need to do is be able to communicate with the pc or alternately with the cell system. It doesn't say anything about measuring any distance, that was brought in by Tmob to muddy the water. The inventor in my opinion was trying to define the two differing systems by setting out the idea as a vicinity range being limited, re:wifi, bluetooth or whatever other short range communication system is being used. Meanwhile, 7 nov is Calypso's next filing date.