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11/05/13 8:11 AM

#64871 RE: tbone1360 #64870

Sounds like a good time

for a corporate fact finding mission to Australia!
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11/05/13 8:15 AM

#64872 RE: tbone1360 #64870

This is the problem everywhere.

Too expensive and too complicated. This complexity is something that should have been transitioned into.

MMRF - Time is on our side
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11/05/13 11:50 AM

#64876 RE: tbone1360 #64870

Medical Quack Sponsored by LOL
Do they have the money to sponsor such things?
Wasn't MMRF taking a stance at one time that Australia may be infringing?
Could that be part of failure...?

Anyway, I am sure medicalQUACK is widely read....LOL

"NEHTA chief Peter Fleming said MMR had "nothing solid" to back its claims.

"MMRGlobal has never contacted us at all and indeed our understanding is that they're investigating a potential claim but have nothing solid," he said.

He said NEHTA first heard about the patent claims on February 7 and "we've obviously taken a look at their patents, both from an architectural and a legal perspective, and have obviously briefed our lawyers to investigate, but certainly this company has not contacted us at all ... We undertook very detailed analysis through third parties who put the standards in place around the world," Mr Fleming said."

"The National E-Health Transition Authority has been accused of dragging its feet as a US firm tries to conclude its investigation into alleged patent infringements by the agency. Early last month,, a subsidiary of MMRGlobal, had claimed that 'both state and federal governments in Australia, through NEHTA, appear to be infringing on patents and other intellectual property issued to' MMRGlobal chief executive Robert Lorsch previously said the probe should be completed no later than the end of last month. But it has been stymied by what Mr. Lorsch described as a lack of co-operation by NEHTA, whom he claims has remained silent."