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11/04/13 12:53 PM

#248418 RE: exogyra #248417

absolutely agree .. with hindsight .. it was nice to have gotten the update
on 3 at the eo Aug ..

4k. It was disappointing that no endQ news was released, but it was never promised. Provided Nov 12th provides mid 4Q detail as well as end 3Q, the promise will be kept - and knowing that real information will be delivered on time and as promised will represent a big improvement over the past. ex.

that said .. we are adults .. let's see what progress RH managed in the 45 days he was ceo (approx) of the 3rd Q

zero doubts there was *residue* in play based on overlap with TB et al

glad we have an actual investor at the helm (2009) who has built
a business from the ground up (albeit privately) vs bought and paid for ..

so far >> RH looks to be delivering early on his promised update

here's to what gets answered and those new topics (?s) that will inevitably be raised .. going forward

all jmo