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11/03/13 7:49 AM

#615 RE: AnG5640 #612

yah, i'm done to, so we'll make this the last... here's the problem... i said that link that nate posted yesterday related to you, not the company... i never said Wialan wasn't real or the patents or that it would get halted or whatever... you didn't make the connection that you haven't made the 10 times i've said it, so i'm done beating a dead horse and talking to a wall... all i've been trying to do is get you to imagine for one moment that just maybe, maybe you're wrong... and you can't do it...

i know of an otc company that had a great idea to an existing product... it's patented product was actually installed in a fortune 100 co. (a co. you know well) and family members of the founder/owner of that fortune 100 co. were executives with the OTC co... this was a "life changer" otc stock... the product was real, the patents were real, the major name well known executives were real... no one could believe how lucky they were to be in on "the ground floor"... this otc stock actually had a really good chance at taking out the #1 competition, a big board co headed for bankruptcy... AND the founder of that big board co took an executive position on this otc co... there were also a few ihubbers who were in touch with the management and met with them at one of the fortune 100 co locations... there was an interview with the ceo, videos on youtube, talks of buy backs, uplisting, major contracts, etc... a close comparison of that co. and yours is if Wialan was working with Verizon... so you can imagine the hype... well, that otc stock is now at no bid... it was just as real than ACYD and it's gone... that's what almost always happens in the otc... no one's "life changer" turns out to be what they thought it would... if it was that great it would have "made it" being private not needing the otc... i'm not saying it'll go no bid eventually, but what i am saying is that there are otc stocks like this every single year and everyone thinks their hidden gem is the one... it never is... they may have a legitimate product with contracts, but are ran by idiots who have ideas but no business sense... or maybe they end up being outright scams... either way it doesn't matter and here we are at the point one last time...

what if it's not what you think... what if... what if nothing is as it seems... what if ACYD turns out like every other otc... what if BIG actually loaded the boat well before he said... what if he has been selling when he tells you big buyers are coming in... maybe he's just extremely naive, but what if he is just a different kind of pumper... the every man's pumper, the dd pumper... what if... i mean, he's a guy who's now putting out "picks"... come on... also, i would bet almost anything he never goes on msnbc... msnbc isn't going to allow some guy who worked for p&g his whole life and has had a legal zoom "investment" llc for less than a year come on their station to talk about penny stocks... wake up... it's an old con and the only way someone can get conned is by believing a con man... maybe BIG is too stupid to know he's actually turning into a con... all pumpers are cons, whether intentional or by falling foolishly into it... i've told you that i could very well be wrong about everything... you can't seem to say that... i play the odds... probability/reliability is what brings consistency... the fact that it currently has a market value of $180mm is so ridiculous it's funny... i honestly can't believe they've ran the whole thing this far... probability says it'll start to crumble at some point soon, but i could be wrong... could you be wrong? the number of people in the otc who end up being right in this kind of situation is extremely low... pumpers want you to think that the people warning you are shorters, that's part of their naivety or con... no one is jealous, they just see it for what it most likely is... so, what if??? so you honestly think those on the dd board or anyone else just doesn't know what they're talking about??? what if Wailan is an idiot or worse...

none of this is any different that you touting your CPA... you know how many rejects are out there with their license, doesn't mean shit... it's image... it's all in how it sounds when it's written out... just because you passed some test, have a license, and worked at/for some big name companies doesn't mean you really know what you're talking about... you know how many idiots out there are practicing... doesn't mean anything... anyone can portray themselves as something they're not... to survive in the otc you have to trust no one and believe in nothing... for instance i really like the OWOO kool aid... it's a real co. with a real product... however, i'm not holding any shares now because the risk/reward turned against me... i don't care about the story, only if there are enough drunken retailers brining in enough emotion to help the pumpers run a stock... that one should get some big groups behind it some day, but just as well might not... make no mistake, traders and trading groups run stocks, not kool aid drinking shareholders... once you realize that then maybe you can make the mental shift... ACYD is not up on the new Wialan direction, it's up because traders know that retailers will drink up the new direction... once all the selling is done, the party is over...

don't come back until i'm right, you sell, or the company proves it's market cap...

so, since you want to continue on the train and i'm just a short, basher, someone upset about missing the party, and/or someone who hasn't done their proper dd then how about we just "agree to disagree"... some side with the seeds, some side with the leaves...

the irony is i'm minutes away from where BIG lives and my grandmother lived in Dade co. FL for years and i know it well... otc can always hit close to home in one way or another...