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01/22/06 12:37 PM

#21141 RE: Domerfan17 #21140

well the problem is the penny market has so much crap going on it is hard to tell who is giving it to you...
i learned over the years to play the flow,not to create the flow....
i have found that most shorting is done within the realm of the finance structure of the company..whether you have free paper that never ends that they just are floorless so they draw down afterwards like the boys at cornell,or brokers that tip there hat that 25 million shares was just deposited to be dumped so other people short against that...or companies have their brokers just short against restricted paper or an s-8 copy letter that is about to take place..

meaning the market was not really geared for the little guy to make money on,but if you follow who is making the money you can accidentally make enough for you...

on a big short day when pgcn went from 1.90 to 1.00 and bounced...if you were patient you could have made money on buying 13000 shares at 1.03 and selling them in the 1.20 range...
the bounce was not geared or set up for me but patiently waiting it allowed me to cash in on there big profit day...