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10/29/13 9:21 PM

#10478 RE: derrickcan #10477

No IMHO that comes from the heart ones that cares for all even the ones that have made mistakes.I aint selling until payday when that comes you got my word a man with a backbone I will say so.

On the other hand all have to do what they feel is in there best interest.I'm saying you got circus clows playing with our money and its pissing me off.

Maza is a CEO of another public company.He is CCFO of Intellect and a attorney.In any court he would be held to a higher standard then the normal joe.

Blech/Chassman done wrong long ago.One is paying hard time and both lost alot of money.

There sons trust took a huge hit imho and no matter what occured in 2008,2009 that trust,all shareholders past and present since the breach of contract and when the lawsuit was announced have a valid claim against Pfizer Inc.,Rinat Neuroscience and there is no keeping a lid on this much longer.

It might even go back alot longer in time when you read the second claim filed for damages by Shapiro.

The judge seems fair but you can not keep this from the public forever cause many of us investors are the public.We have family friends.

If you read the Transcript to seal (Dollar amounts) the judge makes it clear by saying you can do that on your dime not mine.Pfizer attorney says we don't beleive it has but if we find out then its another issue.They were talking about the C/A agreement.

I don't care a ratass anymore.I aint scared of Pfizer or there very high high high priced lawyers.They can get in line and take a number regarding me including the judge.

I know I've been damaged.All I want is my money owed and past due with interest and damages.

Its hard to make sense talking in code!


10/29/13 9:39 PM

#10479 RE: derrickcan #10477

One of two things I want to see this week.Pfizers pays up big time or some of the largest holders file suit against the defendants with a major lawfirm that specialize in class action.

I join in a nano second.I know there are well over hundreds of past present sharesholders since Pfizers,Rinat Neurosciences willful misconduct going back way before said breach.

By the way the breach is a undisputed fact if anyone reads the evidence.Plantiff filings vs defendants filings no matter what else is ever said.