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10/29/13 9:17 AM

#33863 RE: Hor4013 #33862

Morning Hor4013. I have limit orders in 20500 @ $.70 and 20000 @ $1.00 with no special instructions, i.e. not AON. If it ever gets there they will be sold, lock, stock and barrel.

I foolishly bought 10K after the RS thinking that perhaps gpsi would begin on a new leg with the new crop of investors/partners. Guess my orders should have been sell instead. Hind-sight is 20-20. However is seems these are just back-room deals to enrichen the inside players at the potential expense of the common stock holders, us peons. But just more BS from them. Guess once a jackal, always a jackal.

I wish you and some of the other players here luck in the distant future, it just won't include me because I'll be long gone with no regrets. $$$ in the cash side of an account is far more valuable that mythical share value in the portfolio.

No one really know where this is going. Other "real" companies have been fraudulent or built on feet of clay. Revenue just means the hodges and cronies can party harder now. Unknown debt may likely bury them when the notes come due. Lack of accountability gives me no confidence this will profit the peons, common stock shareholders like us.

So get the "testy tout" to pump this up and get me out. Calgon take me away.