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10/29/13 3:54 AM

#1229547 RE: GOSSSAMER #1229537

TITLE KING- (NECA) 0065 +20% speculation: Under the radar planning commision news : our analysts reviewed and assessed all documents for potentially the first storefront location of Title King - its under repairs now and awaiting approval from City of PT Corners Planning Commission - keep you posted on latest developments -deferred approval until site passes inspection. Our view: definite approval. Possible next meeting Nov 15th. Or Dec 1 -further- any lithium development news sends this pps to .10-.15 with ease. Short term pps .02-.025. By Nov (mid month) steady pps .05. Gaping higher with more impending news. Planning commission report below validating request for special use permit and the expected DEFER of approval pending the proof of maintenance of property. EXCELLENT LOCATION! Any continued high volume and positive movement here folks and we have ourselves a runner! Accumulation under way. Tmrw .01. News likely weds- thurs Low float- under 67mil now

Copy of DD: (more storefronts to be announced)

SUP2013-007 Title King ( sept 10th) Request to allow a title loan business on property zoned C-2 and located at 7094 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard; District 6, Land Lot 277; 1.05 Acres. Diana Wheeler presented the case to the Commission. Mrs. Wheeler provided background information regarding the applicant's request. The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit for a title loan business to be located at 7094 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard. The title loan business would occupy a unit within 'Building 1' of the Peachtree Executive Office Park. The applicant's letter of intent sates that the proposed business would conduct auto title loan transactions only, and no other pawn transactions would be offered. The proposed business hours would be 9am to 7pm, Monday through Friday, and lOam to 4pm on Saturdays. Additionally, the applicant has indicated that pawned vehicles would not be stored on the premises and will be assisted by a third-party vendor to transfer and store vehicles at an off-site location. Mrs. Wheeler provided photographs of the site depicting property maintenance issues such as broken light fixtures, a boat trailer, broken asphalt, and a fallen sign. The 2030 Unified Plan Future Development Map indicates that the parcel lies within the Preferred Office Character Area which encourages office professional uses and discourages retail uses. The proposed title loan business would provide title lending services but would not include a retail component. After review, Staff recommended approval of the application with the following seven conditions: 1. A title loan business as a special use shall be limited in location to Building 1 only. 2. Hours of operation for the title loan business shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 3. The title loan business shall provide auto title loan services only, and purchasing or retail/ sales of merchandise shall be prohibited. 4. Outdoor sales, storage, vehicle maintenance or display of vehicles (or merchandise) shall be prohibited. 5. Neon, LED or blinking window signs or wall signs shall be prohibited. 6. Peddlers and/or parking lot sales or events are prohibited. 7. No streamers or roping decorated with flags, tinsel, or other similar material shall be displayed, hung, or strung on the site. No decorative balloons or hot-air balloons shall be displayed on the site. Yard and/or bandit signs shall be prohibited. The applicant, Mr. Jeffrey Canouse, presented the Commission with a copy of his tenant approval. Mr. Canouse explained that there would possibly be two other tenants in this building which will complement his business. The applicant stated that there will be no cars parked at this site overnight. Chairman Houser asked for public comment concerning this application. Mr. Craig Thornton explained to the Commission that he represents the LLC which owns the neighboring office park and is in opposition of this application. Mr. Thornton stated that the site the applicant is proposed to move to is in disrepair, and also that this is not the type of business which would be complementary to the executive businesses which are located in his buildings. There being no other public comments, Chairman Houser closed the public comment portion of the meeting and asked the Commission for a motion. After discussion concerning the Code violations on the site and the business use the Commission took the following action: MOTION TO DEFER A DECISION IN THIS CASE UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT EITHER THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY OR THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS THE PROPERTY VIOLATIONS THAT WERE NOTED.