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Dale C

10/28/13 8:37 PM

#87504 RE: fuagf #87501

Socialists always seem to use inequality as a stepping stone for their agenda. That's how the revolutions began in Russia and China. PEOPLE who have jobs, money in their pockets and food in their bellies have little use for the purveyors of dissent.


10/28/13 10:46 PM

#87512 RE: fuagf #87501

You think Barry and gay Barney and the B Pelosi are part of the economic inequality problem? You think tens of millions of taxpayer stolen money for vacations and warm-lipped interns is a bit too much? You think first-class travel and $1,000 dinners is simply WRONG? Oh, I forget! I apologize! Liberal BS politicians are EXEMPT from everything! It's ALL Bush's fault. God bless the liberal politicians, for they care only about others. What a load of horse sh!t. You think the Clintons' getting $20 Million for books, only because of their bought positions in high places is a bit too much? Oops! They are liberals. FREE PASS! I apologize again. Wake up. Surely someone in your circle of friends has the ability to slap some sense into a kool-aid liberal mind. Probably not, as most of their day is spent worrying about EBT card cutbacks and how to "work the system" to stick it to "the rich." The rich are a tiny number of people, and here's one for you . . . they MAKE the rules, and they INCLUDE LIBERALS in bed with Republicans, laughing all the way to the banks they have bailed out daily by the FED's magical printing press.