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01/20/06 4:25 PM

#699 RE: Telephonics #698

You are right - lots more great stuff today from "Bob"

New! Update to Bob's "Of Feces, Whirling Blades..." blog - Another Journalist Caught On The Take!

Bob has updated his blog, "Of Feces, Whirling Blades..." to include yet ANOTHER journalist caught taking money from big money special interests - this time not just to write biased articles, but to get black ministers to attend the trial of the HealthSouth CEO accused of massive fraud. One has to wonder as one reads this, in which the journalist complains that she is still owed $150K for her important work, just how deep the rot in our society and system really goes. Abramoff is buying Congressmen by the dozen, bribing journalists to advance agendas, and now within one day of that we find another member of the press violating the unspoken rule to stay at least marginally unbiased. And these are penny-ante players - is there anyone out there that doesn't understand that for all the hand wringing acrimony, there is increasing evidence that the press is nothing more than another public relations cost? How many journalists do you think Wall Street pays off every year to write agenda articles? 1% of the total? 2%? 5%? 10%? If there are 500 financial journalists in NY and the surrounding areas, 2% would be 10. Anyone naive enough to think this is an isolated issue is living in a fool's paradise.