(: That made my night. Great post and I am sure we will get there once people add up the revenues being generated on their fancy calculators. 161 locations are carrying our products (: and that number will continue to grow along with the revenues generated from each location.
I believe the formula would be N = X * (Y * Z) where N is the Sales Income, X is the number of locations, Y is the averaged number of products sold, and Z is the averaged purchase price per product.
I will give everyone the answer N = $$$$$$$$$
My formula is a very basic formula that does not factor in everything. This is just a general idea of the possibilities.
Here is a very conservative WEEKLY Sales example using my formula.
Weekly Sales = number of locations * (Ave. # of products sold * Ave. purchase price each)
N = 161 * (50 * $2.50)
$20,125 = 161 * ($125)
$20,125 per week * 52 = $1,046,500 per year from current locations