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10/24/13 10:55 PM

#111629 RE: Moose5535 #111628

Thanks Moose. I thought all my dd was long forgotten.

I have presented information in the past that proved that the government, especially the EPA, never has had any interest in this HHO technology, and for the most part, it is being ignored by CARB as well despite their own acceptance on some engines. Of course, they will accept anything as long as it "does no harm" to the environment.

I have been in conversation with an ex-employee and asked about the recent PR, if that's what it is his response...

"On the stock, I don't believe what is happening here. C does this "lock-down" thing blaming shareholders for all of his woes. That is BS. It was not anyone calling at all, it was the fact that the unit did not meet the promises. Now he puts out this memo about testing and folks start thinking there is a big deal about to happen. Pure hype IMHO, but it may be worth riding for a while.

The units that are currently out there are a single point generator. There is no feedback of signals from the engine. The way it works is that someone installs it and sets a starting point. Then in a few weeks they look at the improvement and make an adjustment. Then a few weeks later they do it again. by this process of trial and error they look for the "sweet spot" that is an average best setting. But, it does not take into consideration such things as temperature, concentration (conductivity) of the electrolyte, load variables, etc. The folks that are saying that they have seen the HTI unit and the ones others are selling are not the same are full of crap. There is no difference."
This last statement referred to the solicitation by sales people to bring in business outside the HTI sphere. I know since I was one of the solicitees. Some of you may have been also, and I have no doubt he (the solicitor) reads this forum.

I have been out of this for a while, trying to recoup, thinking I could flip a profit, but it has never recovered and never will IMHO, so new investors beware, there is a lot of BS still being spewed, IMHO.
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10/25/13 8:51 AM

#111630 RE: Moose5535 #111628

Straight from the EPA themselves:

The experience of testing hydrogen vehicles provided the opportunity for EPA to become a leader in the development of robust test procedures for hydrogen vehicles. Our facilities have also been the site of testing for vehicles operating participating in the Department of Energy, "National Hydrogen Learning Demonstration" program.

As we became more involved with evaluating hydrogen fueled vehicles, EPA upgraded one laboratory test cell and built another to accommodate hydrogen fuel at our Ann Arbor, Michigan laboratory.

REALLY?!?!?! The EPA cares nothing about hydrogen yet will go though all the trouble of testing and the COST of building NEW facilities?? Maybe the EPA does NOT certify,that is up to the testing stations. Funny,we were told over and over and over that the EPA does NOT test anything and won't even BOTHER with anything that's hydrogen fueled. BS.....