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Replies to post #853 on Cancer

Replies to #853 on Cancer


11/04/13 8:49 AM

#855 RE: toddao #853

DIY supernatural cold, flu and even plague tonic elixir -

'The cold and flu season has officially arrived.
Are you adequately prepared? Presumably, you’ve
tossed Big Pharma’s toxic, deadly flu shots and side effect-laden,
symptom-suppressing, over-the-counter (OTC) cold and flu
medications into the trash.

Yet a nagging concern remains:
What would you do if you or your loved ones were exposed to a
killer viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic infection that
conventional remedies or even popular, alternative medicine
couldn’t handle?

What if I told you that you could easily make an inexpensive,
powerful, immune-boosting, modern day plague tonic on your kitchen
table from herbs and vegetables readily available at most food


Five year update on the guy who cured his stage IV prostate cancer
with baking soda -

The guy is Vernon Johnston, and his story was first reported as a
Natural News citizen journalism article in 2009.

That was around one year after being informed he was cancer-free
from stage IV prostate cancer that had metastasized into the bone
matter of his pelvic area in June of 2008.

Now here it is, over five years later, and apparently
Vernon's still going strong, according to his website reports,
videos and announcements.
The last known blog posting from Vernon was in August of 2013.

That's five years and two months after being pronounced cancer-free
at a Veterans Administration hospital.

The mainstream medical standard for considering cancer cured is
five years in remission or cancer-free.
That self-imposed standard is rarely met with surgeries, radiation
treatments and chemotherapy sessions.
Many die from those treatments within five years!

But after less than two weeks of intense bicarbonate of soda or
baking soda (not baking powder) and blackstrap molasses
consumption, he escaped not only cancer but toxic orthodox

Chemotherapy's dismal record
An interesting study based out of the Australian Oncology
Radiology Department, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, conducted a
very thorough epidemiological meta-analysis, completed in 2003 and
published in 2004.

It was an effort to determine if the contribution of chemotherapy,
both as curative and adjunctive cancer therapies, with its high
expense warranted the Australian medical system's financial

Their abstract reported:
"The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic
chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3%
in Australia and 2.1% in the USA."

From their conclusion: "To justify the continued funding and
availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous
evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life
is urgently required."

Granted, this activity was the radiation boys attacking the chemo
camp to discourage Australia's socialized medical system's funding
of chemotherapy drug availability. So what.
They got the numbers right, and the study was peer reviewed and

Thanks to, that Australian abstract with full study
details is available here
( ).

According to the vast database cancer cure guide Cancer Tutor,
90% of cancer patients who don't undergo conventional therapies
survive beyond the five year mark, while 50% who have undergone
extensive conventional treatments and are sometimes left to die
Still much better results than chemo!

Back to Vernon and his baking soda
Vernon also incorporated a good basic diet, lots of sunshine
exposure and breathing exercises along with strong emotional
support by family members for him and his attempt at curing his
cancer alone with an unusual approach that was available to him.

The baking soda/molasses combination caused a drastic pH alkaline
spike that oxygenated his cancer cells to their demise.
Since cancer cells thrive by fermenting sugar, the molasses was
the bait that allowed baking soda's alkaline influence to enter
and oxygenate them
( ).

He continued maintenance sessions every few months with two weeks
of alkaline boosting using the same protocol of baking soda and
molasses that he used to cure himself a few years ago, as
explained here
( ).

Although this author and most others wouldn't go it alone with only
the baking soda-molasses protocol, it worked for him.
Just like super-intense carrot juicing worked for Ralph Cole and
Ann Cameron, as reported here
( ).

The statement that there are hundreds of cures for cancer that
aren't toxic and expensive is not an exaggeration.
Let the Cancer Tutor help you find them.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current
666 nwo corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward
a direction for better health with no restrictions on health
You can visit his blog at
God Bless


11/05/13 1:33 AM

#858 RE: toddao #853

SMART METERS & EMF cancer RADIATION ? The nwo Health 666 Crisis Of Our Time!

Homeowner Pulls Gun To Stop NWO Electric 666 "Smart" evil Meter From Bei

Smart meter options announced -
(smartmeters a severe crime against humanity) -