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Penny Heaven

10/23/13 10:19 PM

#33754 RE: surfkast #33750

You need to go away. Give your mod spot to someone who believes in the company's future. You are the only one "pure BULL SH*T".

Post the filings...

Now the stock is trips by Christmas?

Here are some of your past prediction that have never came true:

Now they have $30 million in debt? Where is the proof? Here are your past prediction.

A broken clock is right twice a day and you are never right. Anyone that reads your past post will realize you have no credibility because you are NEVER right.


10/23/13 11:16 PM

#33759 RE: surfkast #33750

hahahaha surf. your so far out of your mind. IFFFF this is the case, why havnt you dumped your shared into the 10K bids the last few days and take your money and run??? Who knows your motive but even you know your wrong. I say audited fins by Jan 1, nearly positive and we are at 2.00$. I will gladly take your shares away, throw them bad boys up at .40 and ill take every last one!!! Stop spewing BS. The PR is amazing and is going to help us go FURTHER into GREEN but no new investors know about this because KURT wont get off his @$$ and promote this like he should be doing. Sell now PLEASEEEEEEEEE and come back when we are soaring so I can laugh at you