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Replies to #7340 on Rambus (RMBS)
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01/20/06 8:20 AM

#7341 RE: smd1234 #7340

Re: Webcast


Good webcast but not as good as the last one. I think I liked it when they held the meeting in a convention setting, its more upbeat. This webcast was a bit dry.

Re: appellate court
No resolution to my knowledge still pending but I believe it will be quickly rejected by the CA appellate courts. I was happy that Danforth thought the timeline was 06 on these issues. Another good point is the hearing on the release of the DOJ documents is still forthcoming. You can still bet they'll fight it tooth and nail so don’t be disappointed if we see some delay on this issue.

PC Tech heads
If anyone wants they can revisit the webcast with this quick link.
I don’t know if anyone else is like me but a local copy is better for jumping around in and making notes. If so here’s a nice tool for making and indexing a copy of the webcast.
Getting and finding the original ASX link can be tricky. We can start a thread on that later.