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10/22/13 1:25 PM

#21720 RE: Montanore #21719

BONZ is bogus

Boy you sure say a lot with few words LOL
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10/23/13 9:25 AM

#21726 RE: Montanore #21719

Today they are mining at the site. The black sands collected from previous
mining and the black sands they are mining today will be processed at the
new plant that is set up.We now have a means of gold recovery.
No debt and we are mining! I say we because if GG makes money i make
I want to make another visit soon to see the progress that has been made
since the last time i was out there.I know many improvements have taken place.
You don't make improvements to facilitate something that is not there.
This stock will easily go to .23 cents once the processing results begin to emerge.

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10/24/13 9:19 AM

#21749 RE: Montanore #21719

Montanore, I ask if you have been to the site? Have you actually driven to the site and looked around? Do you know for certain, have you witnessed first hand, that there is no mining going on? No equipment on site? Nothing but bare, dry land? Do you know this personally for yourself? And I am asking this with kindness and humility. I know you have a lot of $$$ tied up in investments with BONZ, and you have waited a very long time to see what's going to happen, if anything. The one thing we can't do for certain is assume there is no mining going on there if we haven't seen it ourselves first hand.

It's easy to speculate and go on rumors these days. I'm guilty of it myself. I have second guessed things simply because it's what I "thought" at the moment, but because I didn't have any proof backing up my "thoughts" I was only "second guessing" at the time. I have (hopefully) learned from those kinds of experiences and try to keep in mind that I shouldn't do that ... as in ... ever.

Something else I keep in mind, too. Things can change in a hurry when it comes to the stock market or just about anything else in life. The best thing to do is be patient. It might take 5-10 years or longer before BONZ even shows an ounce of profit for any mining they say they are doing. We don't know how long (if ever) it will take. But then again, there's that chance that BONZ will find a real winner of a vein. Sounds like they already have!

For a junior mining company it can be hit and miss. That goes for oil, gold, silver, or anything else people are out there looking for. Some areas are dense and thick with it... then you could go for miles and find nothing. It's really hard to say. We just need to be patient and wait.

A word about management, and whoever is behind these stocks in pennyland. You know, there's a universal law that governs the universe and it's called truth. Even people who have a penny stock can one day be trading in the hundreds on the NYSE, if they are really producing what they're saying they are and they are telling the truth in ALL their business dealings. Why is that? Because the Master of the Universe rewards truth, honesty and faithfulness, that's why. Sometimes those rewards come in just having peace of mind --- knowing you've "done the right thing" yields a harvest of peace in the soul. Then there are those times when we are blessed abundantly with riches and wealth. We can read about stories where people lost everything! But a few years later they were wealthier than ever before and looked better than ever!

Yea... I'm LONG BONZ on this one. It's gold we're talking about. You know, that earthly substance that underpins every currency in the world. What if gold goes to $5,000-$10,000 ounce? And BONZ is sitting on 5 tons of the stuff. Hmmm... That equates to a one with how many zeroes after it???

I want to be supportive of this effort and one fine day it may pay off very very well.... beyond imagination! Could it be just a dream? Yea... of course it could. I'm a realist and I know these things could just be a distant dream. But is there also a chance it could pay off wonderfully some day? Some would say no. But I don't know. If there was gold out there before and somebody found it, there could be more... a lot more... and it may take a little time to dig in there to start getting all of it out.

BONZ. Just do right. Be honest. Be fair. Where you found a little, it could be just the beginning. Work hard and stay the course. You'll be rewarded for your work more than you will ever know!