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10/20/13 4:35 PM

#752 RE: Newhampsha #750

There are ways, but since the solutions all would impact the status of living for those in charge -- they might have to live like multimillionaires instead of god billionaires -- nothing will probably ever be done. It makes me fear a total collapse in the future for some generation, which is most sad.


10/20/13 5:32 PM

#754 RE: Newhampsha #750

Just read the first 3-4 small paragraphs, and look at the first chart. Job creation? Only if you are a waiter or a Wal Mart employee. This out of control spending, piss poor policy making, and an artificial plug in the dike by the FED will all end badly. Why anyone can't see this guy is WAY in over his head, OR a total collapse is exactly what the plan is, is beyond me.

Here's another chart to look at and analyze again, as the blame liberals throw around for not enough income versus who is spending too much is kind of shattered by this. When looking at the spending explosion, do the dates sort of jump out as to who was in the cat bird's seat during this time? His quote about deficits in 2006 used the phrase "the buck stops here" when telling the people how he would rule as president. Seriously scary, pitiful, and sad that 53% STILL believe what comes out of his mouth, as if he is any different than any other politician.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006


10/22/13 9:09 PM

#756 RE: Newhampsha #750

I fear the US will NOT pull through if the move AWAY from a Republic and TOWARD a Socialist State continues.

A Republic demands that a Constitutional gov't be LIMITED. Citizens have more control.

A Socialist gov't only allows perhaps a citizen to vote, making them believe they actually have a choice, while the truth is that bureaucrats and those who think they are elite totally run the country.

The US was created as a free state and a free economy until the despicable Franklin Roosevelt took over.

Socialism is a sneaky way to dupe the people into thinking they are trading only BITS of freedom for LOTS of safety . . . a huge lie.

America was founded as a representative REPUBLIC, not a Democracy, as liberals today purposely fill the heads of the stupid and the young ignorant and impressionable.

When the Founding Father said "All men are created equal," they were referring to inalienable rights bestowed by a higher power, or a Creator. So they set up a gov't to try and balance freedom and equality. They were not implying that all people are EQUALS, as all you have to do is look at people walking down any street, and you will quickly see that people are indeed NOT equal in many respects.

The original gov't was granted powers by the people. They could NOT grant themselves ANY powers.

Then Roosevelt decided to completely switch this and make the gov't hold the power strings, and the gov't would grant freedoms to the people. ASS BACKWARDS!

The liberals have taken a country where people were held responsible for their bad choices and rewarded for their good choices, and they have turned it into a welfare state.

EQUALITY meant equality bestowed by the Creator, not equality in education, jobs, food, housing, income, social status, insurance, healthcare, etc.

With each new law handed down from a gov't stolen from the people to try and make people more EQUAL in every area, someone always must LOSE, and it is most Americans who have lost FREEDOM.

We now have a gov't that tells a once free people what they can and can't do in every area of their lives.

They view themselves as a benevolent dictator who knows what every person needs better than they do. And this lie has been accepted by many groups, including the least ambitious and the dimwitted . . . and championed by the most corrupt among us, the politicians!

If a dictator exists, then FREEDOM cannot!

Ronald Reagan said it well:

"It doesn't require expropriation or confiscation of private property or business to impose socialism on a people. What does it mean whether you hold the deed or title to your business or property if the government holds the power of life and death over that business or property? Such machinery already exists. The government can find some charge to bring against any concern it chooses to prosecute. Every businessman has his own tale of harassment. Somewhere a perversion has taken place. Our natural, inalienable, rights are now considered to be dispensation of government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp, as it is at this very moment!"

And ALL politicians have sold this bill of goods to the people, but especially the liberal left. They have convinced at least 1/2 of the people that they are tolerant, full of love, caring, and all they want to do is to make the peoples' lives easier and safer.

Those born before WWII know what loss is and know what freedom is, but the current generations do not, so they have eaten up these lies with no resistance.

The result? A nation moved to not being first in anything. Declining education. No manufacturing but only a service economy. A nation of many morals is now perhaps one of the countries with the least morals.

Who needs grades and competition as long as everyone FEELS GOOD? Why have an open market place where hard work and determination is all that counts when a "benevolent" gov't can make everything "EQUAL?"

The country is in decline and failing economically and every other way due to this lie of socialism that has been sold to generations with no background to understand they have been duped.

We used to say "God Bless America," but now, for those who understand the reality, we say "God Help America."