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Positive NRG

10/19/13 6:02 PM

#8236 RE: nyt #8234


I think what it ultimately comes down to is that anybody who truly "knows" the answer to that question (and many others that have been posted here) probably cannot respond to it or risk violating the non-disclosures that I am sure are currently in place. The law is very tricky and it's always better to be on the safe side. I don't believe you are going to get the answers you are looking for, though I agree it would be nice to know. My bet is that the law firm "highly suggested, for whatever reasons, that they be removed. But that too is just my own reasoning. Therefore, all any of us can do right now is be patient. They will disclose information when it is safest to do so, IMO. It is an extremely qualified board, trust them. It's the only thing we CAN do right now, either that or bail. I choose trust.

Meanwhile, I am simply spending my energy dreaming high with zero expectations. I've actually worked up a spreadsheet that shows exactly what my ROI would be at whatever the purchase price is... I have it set at a $25 Billion sale :) I figure, put the thoughts out there and see what "shows up". Whatever shows up will be perfect for our ultimate needs. And dream about all the wonderful things you will do with your earnings and really "feel" how that will feel when it happens. Don't allow anyone on this site, or anywhere, to ruffle your feathers. Stay positive and happy... this is a dream stock coming true :) Enjoy the ride!!!

And about the tax... that's exactly what I thought. Therefore I'm hoping the payout waits until February... I bought most of my shares before then :)
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10/20/13 6:48 AM

#8245 RE: nyt #8234

In listening to the conference call several times, we learn that the B of Dirs fully intends to sell out to the highest bidder.
They are straight up about it- no guessing needed.

If ,for example, it is MSFT ( which needs the Voice Over I'net Protocol to run their Skype chat and Skype worldwide phone service) it's sufficient to deal politely with the suitors- no need to embarrass them publicly in a legal document.

It's more expeditious to meet for a refined, friendly game of golf in Orlando, FL on a long weekend...

This could take 6 months before a final "Final offer" is accepted.

Remember the antics of the "Schneider Meats Ltd" takeover?