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10/19/13 2:42 PM

#86847 RE: SOROS #86838

Patently ignorant.

you cannot measure the age of a rock using radioactive dating because you were not present to measure the radioactive elements when the rock formed

and you if you were not present when a tree was a seedling, such as a redwood, for instance, you can determine its age to within a few months by counting the rings.

the fact that humans were not present when a rock was formed doesn't preclude determining its age by a number of methods. stratigraphy, for example. you need to go back to basic science classes. the bible is not a science book, by the way.


10/19/13 3:17 PM

#86856 RE: SOROS #86838

you would think those arguing for radioactive dating and evolution made the most sense, and I would argue the Biblical comments do the same.

Really, I guess Jesus' statement "It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" must have you shaking in your boots.

Me thinks it was aimed at people like you!


11/05/13 11:37 AM

#87989 RE: SOROS #86838