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10/18/13 2:50 PM

#24548 RE: VeronicaFox #24547

Wow! All Scags decided to cop a plea. Prolly thinks he will get a lighter sentence that way. He had to know that they had him dead to rights with that money laundering charge.

I wonder if Scags is gonna testify against other MEXP insiders? Guilty pleas are sometimes a prelude to such testimony.

But since MEXP doesn't exist any more does that mean the charges will be dropped?

G Bert

12/09/13 10:18 AM

#24988 RE: VeronicaFox #24547

'Will be interesting to see how the judge rules when the day finally arrives. Her bio indicates she's dealt with Scag's type before when she was a former US attorney. I've circled the date on my calendar.


12/20/13 3:47 PM

#25138 RE: VeronicaFox #24547

Any guess as to what sentence Scags may get? I am thinking at least some hard time. Well deserved hard time I might add.

the count1

07/29/14 11:04 AM

#32051 RE: VeronicaFox #24547

Will they still let scag recover the captain Morgan wreck ?
They can extend the range of that ankle bracelet right?

Read about his discovery in the

this was in the article as well

The “treasure” consists of money extracted from “starry-eyed investors”, according to James Goold, a lawyer who represented Spain in the Odysse