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10/18/13 3:30 PM

#21831 RE: truetrue #21830

After talking with Ultra Armoring ... it would take $10's of millions of dollars of testing and validation before they would be in any position to be able to enter into a licensing or royalty agreement. That is unless BORK would assign "ALL" the
KRYRON rights to an entity that could provide a massive
research and testing effort. And that would probably be with no guarantees of anything ever coming back to BORK except the rights to KRYRON if the testing and validation was not done withina certain time frame.

You have to understand that no one wants to touch KRYRON and committ to this kind of effort with the very little testing and validation BORK currently has. To most players, especially in the tactical armor industry, KRYRON is a money pit. Then add to that all of the JB antics of the past along with the current muddy water and all you have is a toxic situation where there is no daylight.

I just can't see any other way of looking at this.

And now we have C. J. Condon running the show and she knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Schizzler hauled out of there because the end was too near. And the credible members of the BOD didn't take vry long to find out from others that they need to have immediate seperation form BORK.
We don't even know when they left the board.

This is a classic example of how you can take a very promising technology and totally destroy it when you have corrupt people in control of it.

You can try to justify some of this as errors or poor judgement
if you wish, but that flies in the face of reality. You have had some dark characters running things and they knew very early on ... that if they approached KRYRON and wanted to move it forward that soon they would have to provide full disclosure
when the lights were upon them and it would paint a bad picture.
So, in order to capitalize on this KRYRON they had to do it on our dime and get paid by selling stock to stooges like ourselves
instead of selling product.

Takes a long time to do the proper testing and validation ... they didn't want to wait that long.

It takes a lot of capital to do the testing and validation ...
they didn't want to use the money provided by the stockholders
to do that ... they wanted to keep those investment dallors for themselves. The last few years was just a series of back door deals they used to line their own pockets with our investment dollars with no intent to do what was required to get KRYRON to the market. Sad thing is at several times they had the capital required to do the necessary things for KRYRON to emerge into the market. But they also knew when KRYRON emerged and the lights were shining brightly upon them that thier checkered past would blow up in their face.

JB and crew are not idiots. They knew what they were doing and how
they were going to do it. JB just didn't realize that some of the shady folks he needed to help him bleed BORK dry would also bring the FBI in tow with them.

So, now they know that some of us are getting an idea of what has been going on ... and they know KRYRON will not see the light of day from serious people ... so might as well pick the bones of this carcus for every last bit of cash they can.

Most all of the money as well as opportunity have been consumed
... CJ is just hanging around cleaning the dishes and looking for some over scraps that may have been over looked.

WOW ... that minty green kool-aid sure tastes sour.


10/18/13 3:30 PM

#21832 RE: truetrue #21830

"small window of opportunity"

Looks like someone just took advantage of that small window to sell another million shares - price now 0.005.....


10/19/13 12:25 AM

#21836 RE: truetrue #21830

Slick keep me up to date...moanie