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01/19/06 12:05 AM

#52743 RE: le-bon ton-roule #52734

Google using words like "Keywords" and "Go" ..... OK, Im not sure how to take that? Its either a worry OR exciting.

Now, all pumpers and bashers...please stay in your respective corners.....I dont wish you to comment on this as I already know your answers....

For the more balanced (you know who you are) what is your take on this google powered Keyword site that LBTR posted.

Are GOOG building their own bridge, or are they assumin they will licence NEOMs?

I am a little confusatized....!

Saint Andrew

01/19/06 12:10 AM

#52745 RE: le-bon ton-roule #52734

Where does it suggest that Google is directly connect with this site??


01/19/06 12:13 AM

#52747 RE: le-bon ton-roule #52734

Le bon, that's not a google site. That's and they have a google adword banner, that's all. I had forgotten about - I recall the PP had a post on them a while back. I just scanned their site and while it's horribly designed (and developed using MS FrontPage - barf) and these folks don't have any relevant IP associated with this service, it's clearly attempting to do precisely what NEOM's Go Window does.

It almost looks as if there's a deliberate attempt to make it look like a Google site - Google allows free use of small Google logos for Google-run searches, and they chose the main Google logo, ostensibly to make it look like is a google company, or perhaps to make it look desirable to google, like oh so many companies have done (for naught).

Who knows, maybe is the source of the three muskateers, APD, Brewski, and W3. Or maybe not. Who knows. But there's something about this site/company that makes me yawn.

I don't know much about, but I do know that it ain't Google. It would be in their labs section and you could tell from the source code.