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10/15/13 7:15 PM

#87328 RE: JPetroInc #87324

Sir Petro:

Very nice outline and post; I think this Phase 11b LID compound is really flying under the radar. You could potentially see this program get expedited at anytime (now that their is more cash in the coffers).

BTW: I am an Avanir shareholder incredible pipeline but many forces are behind that one...a dangerous stock indeed.


10/15/13 8:37 PM

#87331 RE: JPetroInc #87324


I like your summary, perhaps something to add the the list:

Something else is tying Novartis Diabetes to AMBS, the Novartis JDRF grant linked to UCSD (the major research university in California possibly with the NDA with AMBS, it's located right there next to UCSD).

Post #8600 from Zoomboom

"I agree also ... and I believe its this rather than be bemused from speculation due to the fact that there is a Non-disclosure
agreement in place with a Major research Institute in California.
now the dot... I am connecting is this major research institute below is in California

And they happen to have work involving Diabetes and the JRDF ( junior diabetes research foundation)

same JDRF that gave MANF a $500,000 grant

we shall see if NDA is with Novartis after all or for the Orphan IND RP..