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10/15/13 8:06 PM

#21767 RE: Flatcat #21762

I'm there with you on that one, Flatcat. It's possible CJ, etc, could really be working to turn it all around.

But if the company tanks and JB's shares become as worthless as everyone else's, those currently company-owned patents could be up for grabs by whoever has enough money and interest to move in and snatch them out of this company's carcass, and I'm sure anyone willing to do that would be just as willing to pay anyone (other than JB) who is familiar with the process to show them how the mix is done--there are at least a couple of people like that out there. JB will have *nothing*.

JB also has to realize that if the company tanks and he DOES somehow get away with the patents, he's going to be seeing his ass sued in a big way by other shareholders. If this is all somehow some ass-backward attempt to "privatize" the company so he can take back complete control of the patents, he's in for a big surprise. I expect the litigation will keep him busy but homeless for MANY years if he tries to pull a stunt like that.

JB, I repeat, if you and/or CJ are somehow reading all this, you can expect to have NOTHING if and after you let this company tank. Bet on it--there will be no Kryron for you.
Just fix the goddamned company already. You'll make more money by NOT screwing over your shareholders than if you try to cut them out. Guaranteed.

Flatcat wrote:

Even a cat can be potty trained. The remaining strand from which I hang believes that no one is completely worthless - they can always serve as a bad example. Some grab defeat out of the jaws of victory. I certainly hope BI will prove that this is not the case here. My guess is there are over 100 people in Tucson who could take this company forward. It is a shame none of them have been invited to participate.

Someone please communicate to JB that 10% of something is better than 100% of nothing.