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janice shell

10/15/13 1:26 PM

#33296 RE: overedge #33295

The government doesn't have to "try". They know what bonds they've issued. And what they haven't issued.
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10/15/13 1:31 PM

#33297 RE: overedge #33295

Tried? There is no middle road. If they say they are fake, they are fake. There is no trying to prove anything. It is the same as if you printed on a piece of paper that whatever country you are domiciled in, I suspect outside of the US, owes you money and you demand payment. They say no we don't, you sue, the Judge dismisses the case. If the US Government says that your bonds are fake, buddy, you are not going to get paid for them no matter how much of a temper tantrum you throw.

Let me try to paint it in very simple fashion. The US pays a very low interest rate on its debt for a reason, no valid debt-holder is ever withheld payment and is always paid back on time with their interest. Thus, the US T-bill market is the most liquid market in the world. To put it in very basic terms, if the US government arbitrarily said that it would not pay valid treasury debt at will, there would be a massive risk premium in the market, and, no institution would participate given the massive risk. (Obviously the debt ceiling debacle is a whole different fight altogether.)

Thus, if the US Government says that any purported 'bonds' are fake, they are definitely fake.
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10/15/13 2:03 PM

#33298 RE: overedge #33295

Gov tried to prove bonds that where not printed are fake . This is to entertaining

No, the US Gov never did try to prove that. The US Gov via ICE declared the bonds to be fake, and informed Riad he had 6 months under law to contest. Riad submitted his lawsuit past the 6 months allowed by law, and it was dismissed.

It would've been up to Riad to prove his "Gold Certificate" $1B bonds were authentic, if the court case had proceeded. Now repeat after me very slow-ly: Gold Certificates exist. US Gov bonds exist. "Gold Certificate Bonds" do NOT exist. Neither are fictitious "Gold Certificate Bonds" or any other US Gov Bond "legal tender". Apparently Riad's expert appraisers sort of didn't know the basic difference between currency and bonds.

If Riad's $1B fraud bonds are being referenced in the 8K-A, and CDFT is booking them as an asset, then the entertaining part has yet to begin! This isn't about some wayward appraiser vouching for some Sports memorabilia, and the SEC going along with it. This now involves fraudulent UST bonds being used as assets in the market. Where it will involve more than mere SEC securities violations.

Just for fun, why not ask our hero DeRoos to issue a PR containing an enlarged picture of one of these bonds? Better yet an amended 8K giving at least the denomination of the bond, and the specifics about it. Now what harm could there be in that? You can bet the SEC will be asking for that information.
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10/15/13 2:10 PM

#33299 RE: overedge #33295

I too find it very amusing !!

No worries here as CDFT is meeting all registration requirements !!

Info is available for all to see !!

One need only know where to look !!

I sure do !!

Now CDFT has 700 Million more reasons why I am glad I own CDFT shares !!
WoooooHooooo !!!

I'm never wrong !!

Just ask me and I will tell you !!

I almost forgot ..... I'm golden too !!