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10/15/13 11:06 AM

#144735 RE: Bungler #144726

I know, you're right, I understand your reasoning. Mine are only feelings, nothing more. This week I was convinced that there would be some PR, however the only thing we have so far is the latter PR, among other things wrote and set wrong.
I'm a little 'disappointed, but not the end of the world. I was stupid to create my expectations, that's all. But, I repeat, is not a problem.

That's what they paid for the $ 50K, to present AT THE CONFERENCE.

Here we continue to reiterate the fact that they paid $ 50K to present at the conference, but I do not think-imho-that we can base all of our expectations on this. There may be several reasons for paying $ 50K, the dumbest could be that there was no free room. Ok, it's not a smart idea, but to date all the assumptions may not be valid or not.


10/15/13 11:17 AM

#144737 RE: Bungler #144726

Why not give a tease in the PR like "the speakers plan to discuss the amazing synergies discovered in recently completed trials and what this means for the progress toward a potential cure for cancer". That one added line would help me to look forward to the event. Maybe they don't have that info?


10/15/13 4:16 PM

#144802 RE: Bungler #144726


True that!


12/20/14 11:28 AM

#200358 RE: Bungler #144726

That's what they paid the $50K for, to present AT THE CONFERENCE. Why would people sign up to go to Australia to attend an important symposium with world leaders in lung cancer research, if the substance is going to be disclosed in advance in a PR?

Bungler, it was nice to finally see someone from Australia actually start looking in the right direction ever since that conference last year. I would think the print below and results are after months of research and hopefully it was all signs of success for Peregrine.

It was known earlier that a diverse group of white blood cells called myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are more abundant in cancer patients than in healthy individuals.

“We have identified the monocytic cells as the important cell to target, not only in cancer but possibly for treatment of autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel diseases where dampening the immune response could provide relief,” said Peter Murray from St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, US.