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10/14/13 3:56 PM

#94698 RE: nyc13 #94693

There has been a few interviews. The interview on Tomorrow Will Be Televised we had our logo up in Times Square. Personally I love the PPS movement the way it has been. If we had a huge jump in a day or two I bet it would come right back down. The PPS movement has been very healthy in its growth and sustaining higher lows and higher highs. IMO


10/14/13 4:07 PM

#94706 RE: nyc13 #94693

Let's mass produce something before we spend money
marketing, promoting & broadcasting...NTEK does not
work backwards here...Business-people, SMART ONES,
make sure they have locked down the product, then test
ad nauseum (an engineer can catch a mistake via this
method that costs pennies to correct,...later in the process
those costs will be DIMES,...& later-still, DOLLAR$ to

So, when all that is done & the product is ready for
mass production then THAT PROCESS BEGINS...I don't
think you have a clue as to where we are in the process...

Perhaps some DD in that direction might help!!!



10/14/13 4:11 PM

#94709 RE: nyc13 #94693

Evidence that NTEK will continue it's growth is all there. See it, read it, agree/dis-agree w/ it, act on it. All up to you.

There are many many, verifiable reasons why NTEK has risen from .002 in Jan. '13 to .1248 today. And, more importantly, we don't know exactly why NTEK is going about their marketing strategy the way they are, but I can guarantee you this......It is being done this way for a reason. EVERYTHING they do has been done with precision, dedication, & loyalty since I've been watching.

An interesting thing....I've been here since Jan. 9, 2013 (my B-day) and I've learned things about NTEK recently, and everything there is to know about everything associated w/ each of their products & services. Read NIKO's post's. He'll re-post things about NTEK each week........again and again. And there's some things in there that got my attention about NTEK that I didn't know or wasn't sure of.

We're in this rare beauty and many will end up rich. And I say.....GREAT FOR YOU GUYS. Me, I'll have a fantastic fresh start and a fighting chance to give my daughter a good life. All due to NTEK.




10/14/13 4:55 PM

#94729 RE: nyc13 #94693

IMO, the Traders here are heavy on the speculation. Lots of pumping, little regard to actual fundamentals. They will tell you to do your DD, just as long as you don't post anything negative you might find. 3 of the PR's have merited interest, but I haven't seen anything else to get excited about. NTEK's positioned to attempt "something" in the 4K market. They say it's "content" but their nanoflix platform and vodwiz partnership is 3rd rate stuff if you look at the titles being offered (check out HHSE for vodwiz, it's dismal stuff). Maybe they have major titles incoming; I haven't seen it yet. Maybe that's the big announcement everyone's expecting...

That said, I think they're primed for short-term revenue growth through their Ciao contract, which should limp them into the .20's at some point before EOY (probably Q3), and may catch the attention of one or two institutions once those "short-term" revenue streams are validated (something maybe above $172K profit for those that feel like clawing out their eyes after reading this statement).

The ciao partnership seems to have potential for growth but who can really say what the terms are as signed, unless you read the contract; I see no real long-term revenue generators, just a lot of plans right now.