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10/14/13 3:58 PM

#86214 RE: SOROS #86213

think you could stuff any more talking points into your post? I do agree with your progressive tax schedule for capital gains. BUT

for one, term limits by themselves would probably not do anything to help break the grip of corporations... they own the seats and would install a new puppet in gerrymandered districts with graft money with ease. Sort of like how the Kochs bought a whole movement, the teabaggers. Until money is limited in elections, term limits mean nothing.

And also, your desire to close gaps for "illegal businesses" is peanuts compared to the huge corps that pay no taxes. Takes a lot of backyard mechanics getting paid cash to make up for the corporate welfare that is one of the real problems of america right now. Immigrants work for chump change and don't take desirable jobs, they have been a foundation of our economy for 200 years. Ones brought in for IT jobs help make us stronger, since we don't educate as many high skilled people any more.

Or, just cut defense by 30-50% or so, spend half the savings on infrastructure and education here, and spend down some debt with the rest of the savings. Millions of living wage jobs would be created, with the main loss being to Raytheon execs, Halliburton, etc. big deal.


10/14/13 4:09 PM

#86216 RE: SOROS #86213

Again, why does everyone on this board give a complete pass to the Democrats in DC? They take the same millions from taxpayers for their cooks, dog trainers, chauffeurs, 1st class travel, 18 interns, etc., but you give them a pass. WHY? All of Congress should have term limits because they are ALL takers and scum.

Maybe because we'd rather pay them over the table than see them take money under the table. Have you ever visited a congressional office before? I have. They're not exactly in the lap of luxury. In fact, their spending is so restricted, my congressman can't even return a phone call from his office to discuss arrangements for a political dinner (it's not government business). Their large staffs are there to take complaints from yokels who are continually urged to call about nazi death panels and Obama's birth certificate by you teabaggers.

Now that's not to say that there aren't a few unscrupulouse ones who are there just for the money (i.e. to make sure the government they hate doesn't get anything done). But at least most of the Democrats are there because they want to see the government solve problems (not create more of them).

Oh, and about the term limits, there's no better way to create a class of politicians that don't know what they're doing and need to rely on government lobbyists to tell them what the score is... like all the newly elected teabaggers.