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10/13/13 7:42 PM

#12194 RE: Koog #12192

I actually wanted the single payer approach, that way each American would deal with his medical problems on his own level.

This is America, we are suppose to be the "can do" country, you know where you take on a problem and solve. That's what annoys me. All I hear from the other side is that health care should a free market decision. But its not, its a Corporate decision that is made by executives who line their pockets with huge salaries and bonuses for denying healthcare to those who need it.

The free market system isn't always free, its run by Corporations whose main concern is not healthcare but the bottom line. What does the bottom line have to do with deciding if this patient needs this procedure or another one. That's should be between the Doctor and the patient.

I know from Wal-Mart's Insurance you had to seek approval from a Wal-Mart representative to find out if you were covered, you then could only see those Doctors that were under the Wal-Mart plan, and I could only go to the one hospital here in Chattanooga. When I was in Florida it was even worse.

In Florida I could not go to the hospital that we near the warehouse, or my home, I had to travel North and then west until I could get to the one that was in the Wal-Mart plan. One time my son decided he was going to do something on his skateboard and ended up hurting his arm. I took him to the emergency room that was closest. Big mistake, Wal-Mart denied the claim, then the hospital went after me. When you sign the form for any hospital to do medical care you take full responsibility for the bill. Those few hours cost me almost 20 % of my yearly pay, and the arm wasn't broke either.

The Health Companies have written Obamacare, and it was really just the old Republican Dole plan to begin with, but this is at least a start to addressing a problem that has been happening for over 70 years. I just wonder how many 10s of Millions of American have died because they were denied healthcare.

As for your diabetes, I am borderline diabetic, but I was lucky, my Doctor did a preventive test, discovered my problem early and told me what I had to do to start addressing this issue. Its been almost 16 months, I think, I have cut out all sugars, well almost all. I eat a little more fruit, and a lot more vegetables, and did many other things with my diet. I had to monitor myself daily for almost six months, but I got lucky, I caught it in time, and now there isn't a day that goes by that I don't change something to help my body dealing with it.

We all get old, all of us will have issues, but finding these things with preventive tests is cheaper than just waiting for serious illness to occur due to neglect. When you lose your medical insurance, and that's easy to do, you change jobs is the worse one, what might of been covered under your old insurance is now lost in your new one. My neighbor just experienced that one, he has health issues and he is only in his fifties, his new job at Amazon will not cover those problems, but he has gone ahead to see what the Affordable Health Care Act can do for him. He hates Obama, but come January he will be getting Health Insurance thanks to the Affordable Health Care Act, and telling Amazon to stick it.
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10/14/13 1:33 PM

#12215 RE: Koog #12192

I think Obamacare is a travesty. A travesty designed to fail so the government can ride to the rescue with a single-payer system. A system for which they could not get the votes to pass in Congress but the system they wanted all along.

Sure The Affordable Health Care Act has flaws. Sure, single payer has short comings for some. Sure the status quo as is now works fine for the wealthy. All the wealthy have to do is "voice" their concerns.

You do know that the "$$$" to broadcast your message is now the "essence of free speech"?

Did you know that poor people don't make large donations to political parties, can't afford to broadcast political drivel ad nauseum (sp?)? Isn't that amazing?