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10/13/13 6:44 PM

#86177 RE: PegnVA #86171

The problem is, for the working Americans who already pay about 50% of everything they earn in various taxes, they are sick of being FORCED to support a large percentage of people who are takers in every area of life and feel entitled, just because they live in America.

Sure there are truly needy, and thousands of charities exists to help them. Can they get to them all? Nope. But to not acknowledge that the welfare system in this country is broken, and it needs major checks and balances installed before the whole country goes broke, is most naive.

Many times laws and regulations need to be passed that benefit the needs of the many over the needs of the few. And major crises must be averted down the road, even if it means some pain is caused in the present.

Since the country is basically broke and living on borrowed money every day, why can't this lame TOTAL gov't do some basic things to bring about a balanced budget that spends no more than is taken in, without making the working Americans pay more than 50% of everything they earn to the gov't in some form?

1. Cut military spending by 30% by leaving only skeleton intelligence crews in most countries. Only act when America's safety is at risk. It's okay to feel badly for people in other countries, but if we keep putting the oxygen masks on the children first, instead of the responsible adults who can help take care of those children later and correct problems, eventually the plane will be filled with nothing but dead people.

2. Only allow food stamps and other welfare programs for the needy at a capped rate -- 2 parents and 2 children. If someone on welfare has more than two children, then they have to figure out how to pay for them.

3. If a woman is on welfare, she must take a birth control shot that lasts for several months, and to qualify for welfare after that point, she must continue the shots. Aren't you tired of people saying they are so "disabled" that they need total welfare, yet they have no problem continuing to find the energy to have unprotected sex and pop out more welfare recipients?

4. Cut the $1.2-$4.9 MILLION dollar stipend furnished to EACH member of Congress by 50% at least. Seriously, do these people who work about 4 months out of the year need to steal that much taxpayer funding to run their offices? Do they NEED chauffeurs, cooks, people to read their bills, people to write their speeches, dog trainers, first-class travel, and 18 freaking interns to handle their every whim? It has gotten beyond ridiculous how they live off the backs of the American taxpayer.

5. Fix the LEGAL immigration system in the country, and cut off ALL welfare for ILLEGAL people. If ILLEGAL immigrants KNEW that their children would not be allowed in schools, they could not get food stamps, there was no gov't housing provided, and no welfare programs were available, they would STOP coming across the borders. We'd only need border patrol to try and stop illegal items from crossing. No need for fences and wasted billions of dollars that could be spend more productively elsewhere!

6. Stop all contributions over $500 to ANY political campaign, and only allow an individual running for office to contribute up to $50,000 of their own money to a campaign.

7. Put term limits on all of Congress and the Supreme Court.

These are just a very few ideas, but BOTH sides see this job as a lifetime of living like KINGS, so why change anything? They control the rules, and the rules benefit them, so we will see nothing happen until an economic collapse forces their hand.

If this video does not make one irritated on several levels, then I would say that person is in the same frame of mind as this lady, and they are part of the problem that is dragging the country down for every American who is not a total TAKER.


10/13/13 7:09 PM

#86178 RE: PegnVA #86171

Read this with an open mind, and tell me honestly if forcing America to move to a single-payer healthcare system, with a gov't agency set up as the only authority to determine who and what care everyone is eligible for makes sense at all: