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10/12/13 9:51 AM

#14258 RE: Thales622 #14257

Or it could have nothing at all to do with charting. It could just be that some major players got wind of some upcoming event/announcement, and are putting their money on the table. Whether it be charting or the latter, the move was nice. The latter scenario would most certainly be the best for continued momentum.


10/12/13 12:41 PM

#14266 RE: Thales622 #14257

probably not technical causes but instead, fundamental

I think this stock will be moved primarily by the range of answers to this question: what is the anatabine citrate portfolio of current products and future products (assuming robust IP protection) worth?

Is it $1 billion? Using 200 million shares (I assume all the warrants will get exercised) then STSI is a $5 stock

Is it $2 billion? STSI is a $10 stock

Is it $10 billion? STSI is a $50 stock

Again, I am assuming that the process patent and the other IP is secure and that the single isomer version reaches the market with normal licensing terms.

After the Thyroid community embraces anatabine citrate as a treatment option, there is another malady that I believe will soon become the focus of "Anatabloc-aware" endocrinologists everywhere: endometriosis.

Endometriosis is an endocrine and immune disease that affects an estimated 89 million women and girls around the world, regardless of ethnic or social origin....Women with endometriosis are also at higher risk for autoimmune diseases and certain types of cancers.

What is the primary trigger of the painful symptoms described by those who suffer with endometriosis? INFLAMMATION.

Source link here

and here

Based on the reading I have done, I believe Anatabloc will eventually become a preventative for women whose endometriosis symptoms are diagnosed early on (before internal organ damage is permanent) just as many people take baby aspirin to promote heart health.