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10/10/13 2:45 PM

#41536 RE: d4diddy #41535

That is amazing isn't it.

Who in their right mind would walk into the cheap little rental, meet the whole five people that are part of this, look at the junk, review the books, study the history, research peoples back grounds and then come to the conclusion that this was a good place to dump hundreds of thousands of dollars. Well at least one investor has done that "TWICE". Losing the first million must have been fun, huh robbie.


10/10/13 4:23 PM

#41546 RE: d4diddy #41535

cdex point:

Hum, in 10 years, the educated degrees of Mp, Ts, and jr drained 30 million from the Cdex bank accounts.

At the rate that the uneducated CEO is going, it will take him 20 to 30 years to spend that much invested dollars, lol, oops whoops.


10/11/13 8:58 AM

#41557 RE: d4diddy #41535

Uneducated cdex CEO

At the rate that the uneducated CEO is going, it will take him 20 to 30 years to spend that much invested dollars, lol, oops whoops.

Mp and poteet were cdex masters at going through that much money in 13 years. So no worries, if cdex can get some half wit to give them money, the money will disappear just as fast.