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10/08/13 12:00 PM

#12028 RE: lee kramer #12025

I agree, things always get resolved, but its just proving to everyone in America, and the rest of the world that America has some serious problems.

These kind of problems are even worse than all of the ones we have just incurred these past five years.

America has become dysfunctional, these past 10 years it has been getting bad, but from now society itself will become even more nervous about everything, especially about the economy.

I know I am cutting back on my spending, not that my spending means that much, but just like we saw with the end 2008 was occurring. When Americans pull back on spending and consuming it can really hurt a lot of businesses.

I mean we can always use up things we have, and just live off of everything we have accumulated, and that's all it takes, a real cutback in the economy. The kind where they offered cash for clunkers, anything to get people to buy a car.

The economy will then stall, and Bernanke who wanted to pull back will now have to really go into the markets with even more money, and then everything begins to get absurd. If people thought the economy was being held up, then they have not seen anything. Then we could collapse, Capitalism is nothing more than the biggest Ponzi scheme the world has ever known, but it works because there are enough imaginative people who keep bringing forth products and services for all to enjoy. But when you get down to the basics, all any of us need is some food, maybe a bed to sleep in, and a good toilet to take it all away.

I am sorry for these comments, I am fed up with trying to trade against a backdrop of politicians who do not do anything really productive, except work their mouths. Some might argue that they are fighting for the greater good, but we all know that they are just playing a game, and that game effects Millions of us each and everyday.

What is the old comment, a recession is when your neighbor loses his job, and a depression is when you lose your job. Speaking of which, my neighbor just secured a job at Amazon, a far cry from his last position, but its always better to have a job that pays you something while you look for a better one.
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10/08/13 12:47 PM

#12032 RE: lee kramer #12025

Lee, I having a very low opinion of just about everything, happen to feel this is just another gambit to manipulate the market and it is all just one big cluster fu$c.

So, that is my opinion, now what do I trade. If I think things will resolve soon it is time to buy. Maybe that is just what they want me to think.

One thing, most of em will be at the country club drinking and laughing.