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10/08/13 2:56 PM

#43251 RE: govorchin #43231

You could certainly be right here. Also have to think that DF may have some input on what is disseminated to the public with regard to the trial.

Once they analyze the K data for the more recent cohorts and release it (assuming all results continue to meet expectations of higher dosages) I can't imagine the market will continue to ignore this company... So many exciting things are in the works and we are only a few months a way from everything really starting to heat up with the initiation of very (relatively) short term PH 2/3 P and B trials. Although I know that nothing is for certain, especially in bio tech industry, it still blows my mind that the share price continues to fall despite the ever-mounting promise of the CTIX pipeline.

Also, can someone who knows off the top of their head please remind me how long it typically takes to complete each K cohort?