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10/07/13 8:05 PM

#211383 RE: poster44ny #211364

President Obama Bringing In Child Psychologist To Help Congress Sort Out Their Differences

WASHINGTON D.C. — In an act of desperation to get Congress to at least act like well-behaved children instead of brats, President Obama has called in a child psychologist. It is the hope of the president that the psychologist will be able to help Congress sort out their differences in a mature manner and suggest appropriate discipline on the most out of line members of the House and Senate.

“We need to get the matters of this nation taken care of without all this petty bickering and whining,” said President Obama.

“Republicans like Senators Cruz and Paul, Representatives Cantor and Bachmann, as well as Speaker Boehner need to realize that the Affordable Care Act was passed and upheld. It has nothing to do with the continuing resolution, and to hold our nation hostage just because they didn’t get their way three years ago goes beyond just bad behavior, but now to the point of a destructive temper tantrum where the impact will be felt worldwide. My hope is that this child psychologist will use masterful disciplinary actions, reward charts, and constructive reasoning to finally get through to Congressional Republicans.”

The nation now waits to see if this plan of child psychology works out. Hopefully, the government shutdown and impending debt ceiling crisis will be resolved by week’s end.
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10/07/13 8:15 PM

#211387 RE: poster44ny #211364

Republican approval now UNDER the 27% Crazification Line

They are the 27 percenters - that slice of the American population who are so hard-core bonkers they will agree with the Republicans no matter what.

As far as I know this baseline was laid down by blogger John Rogers, who used the 2004 Obama/Keyes senate race as a measure:

“Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him. They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That’s crazy behaviour. I think you have to assume a 27% Crazification Factor in any population.”

So how bad are Republicans sucking right now?

In a new poll, high numbers of registered voters expressed disapproval of how President Obama and congressional Democrats and Republicans were handling the budget debate, which resulted in a government shutdown last week.

Congressional Republicans came in for the most ire, with 71 percent of registered voters in the Washington Post/ABC News poll saying they disapproved of of how they “are handling negotiations over the federal budget,” while 24 percent approved.

Way to go, guys - you have sunk below even the lowest of baselines.