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I Need Help

10/04/13 9:10 PM

#43033 RE: 58nout #43032

I pretty much agree with your thinking.

One other point: Even though price is always determined at the margin (the price of the last share sold), the size of the trade also is important. The only exception I can think of is if there are no counterbalancing trades. In a normal bid ask situation, if there is 1 Ask for 1,000 shares, it would require 10 Bids for 100 shares to balance the trade (normal Bid and Ask situation). The exception being if there is no liquidity on the counterbalance side, in which case 100 shares could easily cause a gap in price (which is not uncommon for short periods of time). Often times, as the market reacts to the gap, the gap gets filled. This is often the case when the gap is caused by liquidity issues or uncertainty (causing an overreaction).

Just an observation: I notice many 100 share lots traded. Many of these lots are from a larger order being partially filled. Sometimes these orders are filled nearly at the same time, but from different sources. 100 share lots are also common when an order is placed "at the market" and is filled at different price points. I also see many 100 share lots being traded within or outside the spread. Most of these trades are between MM's. No doubt though, 100 share lots can be used to paint a price, or move the price (if the trader has good visibility of the market).
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Orion Nebula

10/05/13 1:34 AM

#43038 RE: 58nout #43032

58 thanks for the response - I think Aspire is in it for a lot more than 15% too and I think this is one way they could get there. Under this scenario they may get 15% on a hundred thousand shares or so. My thinking was that the 100 share lots with a 15% gain are a small price to pay to keep the price down if the payoff is that you get millions of shares from Leo at a low price. As I see it Aspire would still have most of their 5 million shares for the big payday and would have paid a lot less for them by stifling a run by selling into it with 100 share lots. Many 100 share lots trades are being made.

This may or may not be a strategy Aspire uses. But I think they could if they wanted to. If Aspire does nothing they risk the share price running and getting a lot fewer shares when Leo comes calling.

All speculation but anyone with 5% of the float can mess with the SP if they choose to. By 100 share lots or other ways. I simply was trying to connect the dots since Aspire would definitely like the SP low when Leo asks for $. If you agree with that then it is logical to ask how they might do it. This seems to me to be a way but there may be others as well. I am not wed to it. Who knows - maybe they have just got lucky and the share price drifted down allowing them to get their shares at good prices. But I for one have been a little mystified by the price action. MMs are put out there by some, others suggest CTIX isn't known, others feel we need a stronger catalyst to propel the price or maybe a combination of all these. My post was to suggest another possibility into the mix.

One last thing 58 - I do not think my logic assumes Aspire is the only financing. In fact I mentioned that I thought Aspire may play itself out soon but then we would need more financing. That is based on the fact that once Leo gets all the money from Aspire, they will complete all their low share price purchases and would want the price to run. Whether it would or not may well depend on the type of deal Leo gets for the future financing.