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01/15/06 4:19 PM

#49135 RE: roni #49133

Roni, I'm running 10.4.4 on a G4 Ti Powerbook 400 mhz
however I upgraded the Hard Disk to a 60 GB 7200 rpm w/ 8 mb buffer drive ..... the performance is faster than when it was running 10.3.x .....impressive considering I'm dealing with a 5 Year old Powerbook. The only drawback ..... I need a NewerTech higher capacity laptop battery because the Hard disk draws more juice when its running. There is something odd though the system runs cooler I would have expected that it would run hotter.


Frank Pembleton

01/15/06 4:23 PM

#49136 RE: roni #49133

roni ... I've got a 20" 1.25 GHz G4 iLamp wih 512MB of mem and I did the upgrade. The two big reasons was my hope that they would correct problems with java (they didn't) and to get Spotlight because of all the company research I've collected over the years.

-- no problems with applying the upgrade but it made my machine incredibly...

s l o w w w w

gawd awful pile of indexing every morning after I download IBD

-- would I do it again...?

naah, not really-- because with all the so-called improvements in function; Spotlight is the only thing worth using-- and I think widgets are a gross waste of resources.

-- save your money for your next machine.


01/15/06 6:11 PM

#49148 RE: roni #49133

I have an G4 iMac 800Mhz SuperDrive model that has had Tiger on it since its release and it runs fine. I believe it has 867Mb of RAM in it. I don't think it is slow at all.

We don't use that for any major heavy lifting but I have done some major iMovie stuff on it. It also runs Photoshop, illustrator, etc.

(wanna buy it?)


01/15/06 7:09 PM

#49149 RE: roni #49133

10.4 on 800 mhz G4

I have one of those and on this machine I did upgrades as soon as they came out (not mission critical machine). No problems, until Tiger. Typically I would upgrade OS rather then do clean install or AI install, just to see how will it go. Tiger gave me kernel panics at restart and startup, so I did AI install after that.

There was another interesting issue with Mail, ical and Address Book apps after itunes upgrade (roughly same time frame). All of new versions ended up in archive folder and the old ones in App. Folder, which caused some problems (won’t go into details), but after I figured this out it was easy fix.

Overall there are speed improvements from earlier OS X versions, mainly finder and safari.

If it’s not too much trouble for you I would recommend clean install to start fresh and you’ll be one happy camper. Also I would recommend to max-out RAM if possible.