Re: The chips were delayed due to a testing anomaly
They're digital logic chips - what exactly do you imagine constitutes a "testing anomaly" that isn't an error? Grey smoke in the exhaust? A funny smell? A chip package that Martha Stewart insists is closer to Burnt Sienna than Brown?
It's great they caught it before before a lot of boxes got into the hands of end-users. But try to be realistic about it. You sound like Paul Engel after Intel (briefly) announced that just because the PIII 1.13 could't compile Linux it didn't mean that there was anything wrong with it and some people begged to differ.
They're digital chips. They're on or off, yes or no, good or bad, perfect or imperfect and imperfect in a CPU sooner or later makes a bit that should have been a 1, a zero. And that's corrupt data.
This isn't music appreciation and the chips don't get graded on a curve. Try and keep up.