.<font color=#006400> * Font Colors
Note: This Works For Posts Only!
Fist I must tell you that the font color will only appear in the first twenty-seven characters, and the HMTL (hyper text mark up language) will be apparent when the post is opened and read.
Font Color Instructions:
There must be a "period" before the Font Tag code.
Submit the post with the code and then click on the “Edit” button; now click on the “submit” button to ‘Turn On’ the font code.
There are many colors in the word of HTML, but only a few will work here, and they may not always be the same color as in standard HMTL. Proper color names as well as most hexadecimal codes can be used, but the again, the colors may vary.
Font Color Code Example: <font color=red>
To End Color: </font>
Here are some colors that I know will work here:
First I must tell you that the font color will only appear in the first twenty seven characters, and the HMTL (hyper text mark up language) will be apparent when the post is opened and read.
Black: * <font color=#000000>
Blue, Deep Sky: * <font color=#00bfff>
Blue, Dark: * <font color=#00008b>
Blue, Violet: Dark = * <font color=#8a2be2>
Brown, Saddle: * <font color=#8b4513>
Coral: * <font color=#ff7f50>
Gold: * <font color=#ffd700>
Green, Dark: * <font color=#006400>
Green, Light: * <font color=#90ee90> (bright lime)
Gray, Dark: * <font color=808080> (silver)
Indigo: * <font color=#4b0082> (hard to see)
Navy: * <font color=#000080>
Orange: * <font color=#ffa500>
Orange, Dark: * <font color=#ff8c00>
Orange, Red: * <font color=#ff4500>
Pink: * <font color=#ff1493>
Pink, Hot: * <font color=#ff00ff> (fuchsia/magenta)
Purple, Medium: * <font color=#9370db>
Red: * <font color=#dc143c> (crimson)
Red, Dark: * <font color=#b22222> (Fire Brick)
Salmon: * <font color=#fa8072>
Sienna: * <font color=#a0522d>
Teal: * <font color=#008080>
Turquoise: * <font color=#40e0d0>
Violet: * <font color=#ee82ee>
White: * <font color=#ffffff> (almost invisible)