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09/25/13 3:32 AM

#2479 RE: NYBob #2478

BREAKING,DOW is Topped Out,Can't go up any further,
Investors will have to take cash positions.
Putting their money in the bank is dead money
So the gold stocks will surge.

DOW set for 5th day drop

Correction in sight as of this week.

Take your DOW profits while you still can


09/25/13 5:15 AM

#2480 RE: NYBob #2478

Over 14 million homes sitting empty in the United States. At four people per household, it is enough to comfortably hold the population of Britain.

The Census Bureau actually keeps track of the number of empty houses, and the numbers it found in the last report are bothersome. They indicate that the real estate market is still far from recovery despite the media claims of a new housing boom.

It’s an improvement over 2009 when there were 18.7 million homes sitting empty, but it’s still a bothersome figure.

Despite the TV networks’ claims of real estate in recovery, there are still 90,566 vacant foreclosures in Florida alone. There are 28,821 vacant foreclosures and distressed homes in California, where the real estate market is supposed to be recovering. Ohio has 17,367 vacant houses, mostly foreclosures. These figures don’t include other vacant homes, such as empty rentals and houses that have simply been abandoned.

40,481 Houses Are Still Empty in Sin City

The worst-hit city is Las Vegas, which still has 40,481 vacant single family homes, 5,137 empty townhomes, and 16,542 empty condominiums. These figures were found by the Lied Institute for Real Estate Studies at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas’s Lee Business school. The study has been posted online here. The city with the most empty homes, to nobody’s surprise, is Detroit, which reportedly has 79,000 vacant homes. Some of which have been sitting empty for decades

What this means is that despite claims about recovery, there is still a vast amount of real estate out there that is not selling. Some cities, including Las Vegas and Detroit, seem to be in absolute depression.

The huge number of empty homes not only depresses the real estate market, but it hurts the whole community. In many areas, property taxes are the primary method of financing schools and local government. Empty houses don’t pay property taxes. Detroit, which has the most vacant homes, recently declared bankruptcy because it can no longer pay the pensions and salaries of its current and retired city workers.

The truth is that the U.S. housing market is not in recovery. Instead, it appears to still be in depression, and the media doesn’t want to admit the fact.

Read more:


09/29/13 7:46 AM

#2524 RE: NYBob #2478

Fukushima to sink directly into earths core!

Fukushima Melt Down, It Is Called The ‘CHINA SYNDROME’ Biggest Problem Facing Mankind (Video)

While everyone is focused on Syria, there is a much larger danger on the worlds door step. It’s the Fukushima disaster that is still in full melt down as we speak.

There is not much that can be done any more. Hundreds of thousands of people will die, if not millions. Our oceans will be contaminated for millions of years. The sea life will die off and the ecosystem will be damaged forever.

Either they cool the reactors with sea water, or the reactors melt into the center of the earth causing a major nuclear explosion the likes of which has never been seen.

The CORES of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors are still dangerously hot – they are using SEA WATER to cool the reactors. Radiation is like Magnetism – everything it touches becomes radioactive and contaminated – every drop of sea water used to cool the reactors becomes contaminated. Secretly, the Japanese TEPCO corp. have been pumping billions of gallons through these cores and then flushing the contaminated water out to sea. Every drop is pure poison.

This is what is happening in the Fukushima melt down – the CORES MAY MELT INTO THE EARTH’S CRUST if they do not continue to pump billions of litres of sea water each year onto the cores. THE FUKUSHIMA PROBLEM REQUIRES INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION. It is the biggest problem facing Mankind right now. It is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than who Obama wants to bomb this week… Fukushima will not go away.

If these Fukushima cores melt down it is called the ‘CHINA SYNDROME’ within the Nuclear Industry. That is, that if they stop cooling the cores with billions of gallons of sea-water, then the cores will heat up the bedrock and become a seething hot mass which will begin to sink directly into the Earth’s core – supposedly burning all the way through to ‘China’… That is what will happen if the billions of gallons of sea-water are stopped from being pumped into these cores.

However, the off-flow of contaminated water will eventually poison and kill all living creatures in the Pacific ocean. Mass deaths of fish and seals and birds are already being reported.

The options are narrow, to say the least. If the cores are allowed to heat up, then they will bore and melt their way to the GROUND WATER within the earth’s crust and a giant NUCLEAR EXPLOSION WILL TAKE PLACE – plus, of course, the fresh ground water of the entire region of northern Japan will become contaminated.

I am sure, after having analysed the situation through the Japanese news sources, that this is the ‘Catch 22' we are facing – and that the Japanese government need to develop some cutting-edge technology now to get those cores cooled down without contaminating the entire Pacific ocean.

There are already six nuclear cores rotting on the seabed from old Russian and American military submarines – another four cores washed into the ocean will probably send the ecological balance on a downward spiral. Residents of Hawaii and the West Coast of USA should take extra care in what they choose to eat from the sea.

see video


09/29/13 8:07 AM

#2525 RE: NYBob #2478

Fukushima Mysterious black substance flew all the way to Tokyo area from Fukushima ten days after first explosion — Since then, they’ve been shrouded in horror — “Everyone here looks somewhat damaged by the radiation”


09/29/13 8:15 AM

#2526 RE: NYBob #2478

Fukushima-FDA Import Alert: U.S. bans agricultural and fishery products from 14 prefectures in Japan due to Fukushima radionuclides — Top Newspaper: Concern over contamination is spreading to most countries around Pacific

Published: September 28th, 2013 at 10:55 am ET

ong-A Ilbo, Sept. 28, 2013 (Korea’s top newspaper): [...] Concerns over Japan’s radioactive contamination and its seafood is spreading to most countries in the Pacific basin. The United States has recently banned agricultural and fishery imports from 14 prefectures in Japan, up from eight. South Korea puts a similar ban on fishery imports from eight prefectures, while China and Taiwan does so for 10 and five prefectures, respectively. [... The IAEA's] upcoming probe needs to shed light on the cause and situation of soil and sea water contamination. [...] It would be much better if experts from South Korea, the United States and China participate in the investigation. It is natural for a global organization to intervene in an international issue. [...]