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09/24/13 8:25 PM

#166943 RE: BTH #166942

re: CLDX

You and Patrick are creating a lot of straw men in order to dump on CLDX. Maybe CLDX needs dumping upon, but not for the silly reasons that you and Patrick cite.

First of all no one on this broad, including me, has ever suggested that you invest in CLDX at these lofty levels. So your implication that I or someone else here suggested that--

no way I am going to chase this up here.

--is pure histrionics.

You "sold as high as 21" means that you probably sold most around half of what it is today. That's a mistake, pure and simple. Yeah, you made some money, but you could have made a lot more. Nothing wrong with taking profits, but the point is that you could have made a lot more. Now what does that have to do with

So, rather make money than be right about 1127 being a dud.

? It has nothing to do with it. You're confusing levels of argumentation. You could have sold today and made more than double what you did, and whether CDX-1127 is a "dud" has nothing whatever to do with you selling way too soon. Of course, buying today is a totally different. But, as I said, no one here ever suggested buying at today's prices. You seem to want to justify selling too soon with some imaginary future event, CDX-1127 is a "dud," so you don't have to acknowledge your mistake.

Your reasoning here is idiotic. It's like saying "I'm glad I sold PCYC at $20/share--but I bought at $4, so I'm happy--because Ibrutinib will never have $6 billion in revenues." First, if you had sold at $20, it would have been a mistake, no matter how many billions PCYC makes off of Ibrutinib. (And, like CLDX, no one is suggesting that you buy PCYC here.) Furthermore, you don't know how much in revenues Ibrutinib will generate, anymore than you know whether CDX-1127 will be a "dud" or not.

Both you and Patrick sound like those bitter investors who cry "I was right all along; it was the Market that got it wrong." LOLOL
