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09/21/13 12:13 PM

#84921 RE: Riskreturn168 #84920

Sir the Agreement is an "LOI" to in-license Ph. II drug candidate L-Dopa-Induced Dyskinesia PD from an undisclosed 3rd party - one of several suggested Pharma's.

1.) Endo Pharmaceuticals (Amantadine)
2.) Adamas Pharmaceuticals (Nurlin)
3.) Novartis Pharmaceuticals (Mavoglurant)
4.) Addex Therapeutics (Dipraglurant)
5.) Psychogenics Pharmaceuticals (Eltoprazine)
6.) Avanir Pharmaceuticals (Nuedexta)
7.) Neurim Pharmaceuticals (Neu-120)

No further info regarding funding for Ph. II studies is available at this time - that I can find

AMBS is currently 5 months into a 12 month LOI licensing window...


09/21/13 3:47 PM

#84934 RE: Riskreturn168 #84920

They won't. Only happen if they get grant. Question to CEO at conf call on where $ will come from to meet different projected goals and his immediate response was grants. It is based on HOPE as was JN's 9/4 article projecting 18 months of capital. Check his twitter where he admits it was based on a plan of grants/partnership, or in other words HOPE. You would think an analyst would disclose an assumption/basis in the original article, not later when pressed on twitter.