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09/20/13 11:40 AM

#21386 RE: MerthyrQ #21385

MerthyrQ and FlatCat, those are all great ideas!

I would only advise that B.I. not attempt to actually *manufacture* all those items themselves. I'm not implying that's what you did or didn't also mean, but just because it hasn't been explicitly stated I wanted to make note of it here. I think B.I. would be best to show proof-of-concept for heat exchange/heat sink/etc, and then supply the materials and the technical expertise for manufacturers to crank out the actual products themselves.

I wouldn't discount the heat sink application entirely though. It may be a smaller market, but B.I. could use EVERY source of income it can get right now, and with a company like JBT still possibly waiting in the wings who is already convinced of Kryron's effectiveness for their own products, that could mean *immediate* sales to get some income flowing into B.I.'s coffers.