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09/19/13 10:45 PM

#107637 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #107636

You know what's interesting? There's a guy on the BORK board, "steve accountant", who has personally attacked me many, many times (name-calling, etc). His posts ultimately get pulled, but he never seems to get banned. The enforcement around here really doesn't seem very even-handed.

Take another one, "Dt0120" who is actually a mod on the same board. Every few days it seems he spams it with negative (but technically "on-topic") outbursts about the company being a scam, blah blah blah, using whatever vulgar phrases he can get away with, completely ignoring any and every actual fact to the contrary that has ever been brought up to him. He seems to be blatantly trying to negatively influence the stock and/or investors (current or would-be). And the worst part is that he's a mod, so he selectively looks for absolutely ANY excuse he can to remove pro-company posts, and leaves up blatant TOS violations from people like "steve accountant". If you don't believe me, go look at the BORK board right now, specifically the sticky posts at the top--he left up his own sticky about a negative OTC status change even though the OTC status has changed TWICE since then to positive upgrades--there's even a correct, more recent post RIGHT ABOVE HIS and yet he leaves his outdated and no longer correct sticky up there just out of spite. He misbehaves and he gets away with it.

Art Vandeley

09/20/13 12:11 AM

#107638 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #107636

Could you please explain to me which part of the TOS I violated that landed me in here? After my last stint in the pokey, I have made every effort to post within the TOU as evident by their only being 2 posts deleted for being OT, the rest were deleted for being duplicates due to a glitch in the mobile app that tends to double post. I was never warned about "stalking" but only to stop with the OT posts and the personal attacks posts. I have not made any personal attack on any poster since my last stay in the joint. My only crime was making two or three posts on another board, none of which were deleted for TOU violations, in reply to one of the resident bashers on one of my favorite boards. Why wasn't that poster advised to just put me on ignore and why wasn't she banned for stalking me on the CANV board?

Have I violated the tou with OT posts and personal attacks in the past, yes, guilty and I have served my time for that. Did I make a second account after I was put in here this time, yes guilty. Did I modify my posting behavior after my last time in here? YES. Was I warned about posting on another board out of spite to another poster? No. I was just told to follow the TOU and keep posts on topic and not to make any post that personally attack another member. I did that but ended up here anyway. So, please show me what TOU I violated this time to end up in here. I can't seem to find it so please show me if I am missing something. If another member doesn't want to see my posts, they can do something. Hit ignore. Isn't that what that button is for?