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Jimmy Joe

01/11/06 12:53 PM

#27538 RE: westeffer #27536

westeffer it is so hard sometimes to know exactly when to pull the trigger. To know when to buy and to know when you have had enough. As I read another board this morning I was reminded that the stock market is a living breathing entity.
Those who claim to know its ups and downs when to buy hold and sell are just full of themselves. Even the so called experts (like Mr. Kibbles) sometimes get their hairballs handed to them.

Thank you for HEPI.ob. Being a Monte Python fan I enjoy SPAM
unlike some others who abhor people putting other stocks on their message board.

I would have loved to have bought some NNVC but my cash is low. Lettuce picking at Dead Daves (Wendys) does not pay the best. Maybe one day I can tell Dead Dave to stick it.
Wonder if he will be able to hear me? (smile )

Thanks much