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09/17/13 10:17 AM

#10120 RE: MC10459 #10119

It's not that wayward is done , cuz it never started . It was only optioned . These things can take upwards of 5 to 10 years , that's if it even is ever actually developed .


09/17/13 10:26 AM

#10123 RE: MC10459 #10119

David already came out a month ago and said they are releasing a Christmas set, this Christmas I'm thinking.

relax guys, they are working it. on the movie side it takes a year or so, and it's out of their hands if they are writing the script.

Last blood, who knows. Have no idea but that has been in the works for a long time. That I feel comfortable to bitch about.

And we know Benny has to repay the loan, so he wants it up 70% more then we do. And I'm thinking he wants it up in the silver range to have that loan pay for itself. And I agree, we are going to wake up one day and this is going to where it should have been, way up